Shiron L'Gan (Jewish Songs for Children Ages 2 - 5) (CD) Sung by children and children's choirs Language: Hebrew and English
A great collection of songs for 2-5 year-olds! Includes folk, contemporary and liturgical pieces designed to educate, entertain and surprise! With children singing and abbreviated song arrangements, kids love the Shiron series and parents and teachers won't grow tired easily. Songs selected from The Complete Jewish Songbook for Children: Manginot.
Songs include: Heiveinu Shalom Aleichem, Good Morning Boker Tov, Am Yisrael Chai, Now We Say Shalom, Color Song, Af, Peh, Ozen, S'lichah Todah B'vakashah, Mishpachah Song, Hayom Yom Huledet, Shabbat Shalom, The Challah, Shabbat, Shabbat Shalom, Mah Yafeh Hayom, Tapuchim Ud'vash, Sing Along Song, To Build a Sukkah, Tora Li, When We March on Simchat Torah, The Dreidel Song, If I Were a Candle, Let's Go Plant Today, Purim Game, Purim's a Time, Seder Table, The Seder Plate Song, I Am the Afikomen, Dayeinu, Mah Nishtanah?, Kum Bachur Atzeil, The Synagogue, Kipah, The People In My Synagogue, The Rabbi, The Cantor, Say the B'rachot, Tree of Life, Keshet, Ten Commandments, Building Solomon's Temple, David Melech Yisrael, Giving