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All Politics is Local PB Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln  PB My Life PB
All Politics is Local PB
Our Price: $7.95
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Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln PB
List Price: $19.95
Our Price: $19.95
Sale Price: $7.98
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My Life PB
Our Price: $7.99
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Tip O'Neill was American institution, known & loved across country.  In All Politics is Local he shares his secrets.  Continuing in tradition of best selling Man of House, O'Neill's inimitable stories & irresistible style show how politics really works.  Each of his rules comes to life w/unforgettable story about presidents, congressmen or constituents. Written by Pulitzer Prize winner, Doris K Goodwin wove biographies and history of the Civil War into a richly detailed account.of the Lincoln presidency that shaped the history of our country. My Life: Presidential Years offers fullest, most concretely detailed most nuanced account of presidency ever written - encompassing nost only high points & crises but way presidency actually works: day to day bombardments of problems, personalities, conflicts, setbacks & achievements.
Jefferson on Freedom HB Spin Works! PB Veoloymyr Zelensky, Unlikely Hero of Ukraine by Mari Bolte
Jefferson on Freedom HB
Our Price: $9.95
In Stock
Spin Works! PB
Our Price: $9.95
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Volodymyr Zelensky
Our Price: $11.79
In Stock
Prince whose character is thus marked by every act which may define tyrant is unfit to be ruler of people. Whose voice's heard in media & whose's silenced?  Who's part of national debate & who's left out?  News media's one of most powerful forces in America - shaping our opinions, setting debate & informing how we view our communities & world.  Yet few of us have access to it or know how to use it. Actor/comedian turned politician turned statesman, Zelensky has led the Ukraine fearlessly.  Learn more about this unlikely hero is this compact biography for kids!  And don't miss the action figure, also!
Democratic Donkey Face Mask for Democratic Fashionistas! Stylized Donkey Face Mask for Democratic Fashionistas! Bush vs Environment PB
Donkey Mask 1
Our Price: $11.95
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Donkey Mask 2
Our Price: $11.95
In Stock
Bush vs Environment PB
Our Price: $12.00
In Stock
Be a democratic fashionista in this democratic red-white-and-blue donkey mask!  Cotton fabric, washable.  Proceeds from this mask go to candidates. Be a democratic fashionista in this stylized donkey mask!  Cotton fabric, washable.  Proceeds from this mask go to candidates. Since becoming president, George W Bush has walked away from Kyoto Protocol, pushed for oil drilling in Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, weakened protections for endangered pieces & wilderness & retreated from his campaign pledge to regulate carbon dioxide. But president's agenda reaches deeper than these well known policies. In Bush vs Environment, Robert S Devine shows how White House is quietly undermining entire system of environmental safeguards that has developed over past 30 years. Administration's tactics include:

Encouraging lawsuits against federal government that challenge existing environmental laws & then feebly defending cases in court.
Ignoring scientific evidence that doesn't support President Bush's goals & pressuring government scientists to product results Administration wants.
Using fuzzy math to overestimate costs & underestimate benefits of regulations that protect human health & environment, which can lead to eliminate of much needed rules.
Stylized RBG Kippah for Ruth Bader Ginsburg Fans! Remember and Do Not Forget:  Rabbinnic testimonies of January 6th, 2021 Change We Can Believe In PB
RBG Kippah
Our Price: $12.95
Sale Price: $12.05
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Remember and Do Not Forget
Our Price: $12.59
In Stock
Change We Can Believe In PB
Our Price: $13.95
In Stock
Be a RBG fashionista in this stylized RBG kippah!  Cotton fabric, washable.

Rabbinic responses to the events of Jan. 6th, 2021 written
by a wide swath of rabbis.  This collection of
essays will help the reader make sense of that day and see it through a Jewish
lens.  A great and important tool for rabbis and lay
persons alike.

At this defining moment in our history, Americans are hungry for change.  After years of failed policies & failed politics from Washington, this is our chance to reclaim American dream.  Barack Obama has proven to be new kind of leader - one who can bring people together, be honest about challenges we face & move this nation forward.  Change We Can Believe In outlines his vision for America.
Barbara Jordan American Hero PB Blinded by Right PB 101 People Who Are Really Screwing Up America PB
Barbara Jordan American Hero PB
Our Price: $14.95
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Blinded by Right PB
Our Price: $14.95
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Barbara Jordan was 1st African American woman to serve in TX Senate since Reconstruction, 1st black woman elected to Congress from South & 1st to deliver keynote address at national party convention.  Yet Jordan herself remained mystery, woman so private that even her close friends didn't know name of illness that debilitated her for 2 decades until it struc her down at age of 59. "I had begun my career by suppressing my liberal social values to get ahead in conservative movement: I then abandoned conservative traditions of restraint & civility for Gingrichian ends justify means radicalism.  As closeted gay man, I did work of right wing lawyers of Federalist Society, Christian Coalition & worst bigots from Arkansas - racist, homophobic Clinton haters.  Through it all - destructive partisanship, careerism, personal aggrandizement - in my mind I managed to rationalize each of my actions & hold on to idea that I wasn't like Ruddys, Scaifes, Falwells, Tyrrells, Funds - I was better than they were.  Whatever else I may have been, I wasn't liar.  But I was no better than Arkansas Project brigade after all.  Strange lies were mine.  All attacks, hateful rhetoric, dark alliances & strange conspiracies, eye for eye, nuts & sluts, defending Pinochet, throwing grenades, carpet bombing White House, Bob Bork, Bob Tyrrell, Bob Dornan, Bob Bartley, Bob Barr - it all led right here: I lost my soul." Hilarious riposte to Bernard Goldberg's right wing & unforgivably successful 100 People Who Are Screwing Up America.
SNL Presents: Clinton Years PB America Back on Track PB Bushworld Enter at Your Own Risk PB
SNL Presents: Clinton Years PB
Our Price: $14.95
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America Back on Track PB
Our Price: $15.00
In Stock
Bushworld Enter at Your Own Risk PB
Our Price: $15.00
In Stock
Follow hilarious chronicles of our 42nd President, William Jefferson Clinton, as recorded here for posterity in these memorable moments from "Saturday Night Live" War in Iraq, economy, national security, health care, education, civil rights, environment, constitutional system of checks & balances - these & other vital issues are major concerns to Americans today, yet all have been mishandled by Bush administration.  For Senator Edward Kennedy, it is proof that nation has departed more deeply from its fundamental ideals than at any time in modern history.  Responding to erosion in our long standing values, he identifies 7 principal challenges on defining issues of our time & offers proposals for putting America back on track to achieving its great promise of liberty & justice for all. For past 2 decades, Maureen Dowd has trained her binoculars - & her scorching wit - on Bush dynasty.  Here, she explores & dissects entire story, in all its Oedipal, Orwellian, Shakesperean glory.  Drawing from her "New York Times" column, w/new introductory essay, she journeys to Maine, Texas, Washington, old Europe, new Europe & Saudi Arabia, chronicling both father & son as well as cast of characters surrounding them.  For any reader who cares about America, this is essential reading.  As Dowd says about Bushrworld: "It's their reality.  We only live & die in it."
In defense of Justice: the Greatest Dissents of RBG The Hill We Climb, the Inaugural Poem by Amanda Gorman Censoring Science PB
In Defense of Justice
Our Price: $15.99
Sale Price: $15.09
You save $0.90!
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Hill We Climb Inaugural
Our Price: $15.99
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Censoring Science PB
Our Price: $16.00
In Stock
This book features Ginsburg's best-known dissents in a format accessible to the non-lawyer, giving RBG's worldwide fans an approach to their hero's life's work. Each dissent is prefaced with an explanation of the case to help prepare the lay reader for approaching difficult legal prose. Senior teens and adults She enchanted us. Amanda Gorman's powerful and historic poem "The Hill We Climb," read at President Joe Biden's inauguration, is now available as a collectible gift edition. "Stunning and dynamic." Due out April 1st; pre-order your copy! Dr James Hansen - leading climate expert for NASA & world - first broke international news on global warming at Senate hearing in 1988.  Little did he expect rising storm of politically motivated resistance, denial & obstruction that would follow.
Everything You Think You Know About Politics...& Why You're Wrong PB Burial for a King:  MLK's Funeral and the Week that Transformed Atlanta Clinton Wars HB
Burial for a King
Our Price: $16.99
Clinton Wars HB
Our Price: $16.99
In Stock
Confused because conventional wisdom doesn't coincide w/your view of political world?  Perhaps that's because press & pundits have it wrong. A minute-by-minute description of the preparations that led up to the
funeral, a day that transformed Atlanta and
drew the attention of the nation.  16 years to adult.
This major new book - part history, part memoir - is riveting inside account of presidency of William Jefferson Clinton.  When in 1997 Clinton appointed Sidney Blumenthal as senior adviser, writer who had been covering Washington political scene for more than decade was catapulted into front lines of Clinton wars.  From his 1st day in White House until long after his appearance as only presidential aide ever to testify in impeachment trial, Blumenthal participated in nearly all battles of Clinton Wars.
Conversations with RBG Homegrown Democrat HB Kamala Harris  Rooted in Justice
Conversations with RBG
Our Price: $18.00
Sale Price: $17.10
You save $0.90!
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Homegrown Democrat HB
Our Price: $17.95
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Kamala Harris Rooted in Justice
Our Price: $17.99
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View a portrait of RBG through the convesations she had with Jeffrey Rose, President of the national Constitution Center.  Unlike the chiseled tables from Mount Sinai, RBG was a compassionat jurist who served with love of the law and her country. "We democrats are deeply flawed people, we can be earnestly boring & awfully righteous about moral issues in faraway places.  We can be weenies, capable of doing dumb things in name of common good.  But we do stick to our guns.  We believe in decency & public spiritedness & have refused to hitch our wagon to yahooism & have supported government as necessary force for good.  We are passionate.  This is year of possible." "Can girls be President?" asked Eve.  Yes, they can answered her mother.  As a matter of fact, there is a woman right here in Oakland hoping to be President one day.  Kamala Harris strived to create justice from being a very young child and throughout her life.  Learn about her roots in Justice.  Ages 4 and up.
Liberal Hour PB Unique Voice of Hillary Rodham Clinton Portrait in her Own Words HB 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions & Distortions PB
Liberal Hour PB
Our Price: $18.00
In Stock
Reform has seldom come w/such speed, such sweep & such consequence.  What drove this political sea change?  In Liberal Hour, Calvin Mackenzie & Robert Weisbrot argue that primary force behind it was not counterculture but those in traditional seats of power.  W/nuance & panache, they present real life characters - from giants like JFK & Johnson to lesser known senators & congressmen - who drove these reforms & were critical to passage of key legislation.  Concise, accessible & engaging behind scenes look at profound social changes of 1960s, Liberal Hour reveals how Washington, so often portrayed as target of reform, was in fact era's most effective engine of change. "I want to live my life way that I believe is right for me.  I want every woman to have same opportunity.  I do not prejudge any other woman's choices...What I wish for them is what I wish for every young girl: that their life choices give them satisfaction & happiness that comes from leading integrated life". "W/this new book, David Ray Griffin establishes himself, alongside Seymour Hersh, as America's #1 bearer of unpleasant, yet necessary, public truths." - Richard Falk, Professor of International Law, Emeritus, Princeton University
The Truths We Hold by Vice President Elect Kamala Harris Acting President HB Promises to Keep PB
The Truths We Hold
Our Price: $18.00
In Stock
Acting President HB
Our Price: $18.95
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Promises to Keep PB
Our Price: $18.99
In Stock
Learn how family and community helped shape this remarkable woman who has become our Vice President.
Some called president lazy, others uninterested in daily details; some said he was brilliant delegator of responsibility.  Whatever viewpoint, it is unquestionably true that men around Ronald Reagan played unprecedented role in shaping & controlling nation's foreign & domestic policy.  In this explosive book, Schieffer & Gates, working w/extensive network of sources & some hitherto secret materials, show just who these men were & just how they influenced both President & country.  You'll read 1980 memorandum dividing up real power of presidency b/w Edwin Meese & James Baker; you'll understand why man was young as Michael Deaver was able to wield such enormous power; you'll witness astonishing Oval Office session on defense budget immediately after Gramm Rudman was passed.  You'll meet, in intimate, sometimes painful, detail, not only Deaver & Baker but such men as Donald Regan, William Casey, Alexander Haig & John Poindexter-  & what you read will change your vision of the decade. As US senator for more than 35 years, Joe Biden has both witnessed &
participated in momentous epoch of American history.  In Promises to Keep,
Biden, now President, reveals what these experiences taught him about
himself, his colleagues & institutions of government.
Kamala and Maya's Big Idea - a playground for all Ending Gun Violence: Essays, Prayers, and Poems by Rabbi Menachem Creditor March Two by John Lewis
Kamala and Maya's Big Idea
Our Price: $18.99
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Ending Gun Violence
Our Price: $19.59
In Stock
March: Book Two
Our Price: $19.95
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Kamala and sister Maya looked out on the courtyard of their apartment
building and saw an unused space.  Little girl eyes saw a potential
playground to be enjoyed by all the residents.  But where there is a will, there is a way, and between Kamala and Maya,
there was no shortage of will.  The community provided the way.  Ages 4
and up.
A response to the American gun violence epidemic, it is a spiritual response that will provide comfort as well as fuel for the fight against this terrible epidemic.  A must-have tool for rabbis as well as lay persons Congressman John Lewis takes us behind the scenes
of the Civil Rights movement: on the way to Selma.  For ages 9 through adults.  Get free inspirational photo when you order this book.
Shrub: Short But Happy Political Life of George W Bush HB Ted Kennedy HB The Hill We Climb, the Inaugural Poem and Others by Amanda Gorman
Ted Kennedy HB
Our Price: $19.95
In Stock
Hill We Climb and Other Poems
Our Price: $19.99
In Stock
"Past is prologue in politics.  If politician is left, right, weak, strong, given to waffle or flip flop, or, as sometimes happens, able soul who performs well under pressure, all that will be in record." Edward Kennedy was a towering figure of the American political landscape for almost half a century. The youngest member of America's most fabled political clan and a leading voice of liberalism, he became one of the most powerful and effective Senators in the nation's history.

Kennedy's rich and sometimes tragic story is told in this book by TIME writers Joe Klein, Richard Lacayo and Karen Tumulty; historian Robert Dallek; former Boston Globe columnist Mike Barnicle; longtime Kennedy-family aide Theodore Sorensen; and Kennedy's close friend and speechwriter Robert Shrum. It's also told through dozens of unforgettable photographs, including many intimate, behind-the-scenes pictures of Kennedy at work, on the campaign trail or relaxing with family and friends.

That story begins with the fierce ambition of Kennedy's father, the wealthy and unstoppable Joseph Kennedy Sr., who believed that one of his sons should become President of the United States. As the youngest of Joe and Rose Kennedy's nine children, Ted wasn't necessarily destined for a political career. But one by one, his older brothers met their fates, until only Ted was left. Joe Jr. died in a combat mission during World War II. Jack reached the White House, only to be assassinated in 1963. Five years later, Robert was shot down during his own campaign for the presidency.

For a time, it seemed inevitable that Ted would also seek the White House, and soon. Then came Chappaquiddick, the tragedy that cost a young woman her life and cast a shadow over Kennedy for the rest of his. When he did make his only bid for the Oval Office, in 1980, it was in a surprising attempt to unseat an incumbent Democrat, Jimmy Carter. Though Kennedy's 1980 campaign did not succeed, it ended in a speech to the Democratic National Convention that sealed his status as liberalism's greatest champion.

The failure of that campaign also freed Kennedy to focus for the rest of his life on the work of the Senate. It was there that he gave enduring substance to the Kennedy family legacy, through legislation that shaped this nation in many areas - education, the economy, civil rights, law enforcement and foreign policy-and especially through his decades-long struggle to extend affordable health care to all Americans. His career culminated in 2008 with his key role in securing the Democratic Party's nomination, and ultimately the presidency, for Barack Obama.

A rich compilation of insightful writing and memorable photographs, Kennedy is an authoritative portrait of a man who was one of the major figures of his time.
Including The Hill We Climb, the stirring poem read at the inauguration of the 46th President of the United States, Joe Biden, this collection of the same name reveals an energizing and unforgettable new voice in America poetry. For ages 14 - up. Pre-order your copy now!
Stacey Abrams Action Figure Dr Fauci, Man of Action Figure Joe Biden Action Figure, a man of action
S Abrams Action figure
Our Price: $22.95
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Fauci Action Figure
Our Price: $22.99
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Joe Biden Action Figure
Our Price: $23.95
In Stock
Get your action figure to remind you of this great woman who works tirelessly for democracy. 7" action figure created with intricate detail has moving arms and a removable mask, the perfect reminder of this American COVID hero. Get your Joe Biden Action Figure now! The hottest "toy" of the season. Don't kid yourself: the adults are buying it for themselves! Great for Democrats and Joe Biden fans!.
Kamala Harris Action Figure, a woman of action Trump Behind Bars in Orange Latino Wave How Hispanics Will Elect Next American President HB
Kamala Harris Action Figure
Our Price: $23.95
(Out of Stock)
Prison Trump
Our Price: $23.95
In Stock
Get your Kamala Harris Action Figure now! The hottest "toy" of the season. Don't kid yourself: the adults are buying it for themselves! Great for Democrats and Joe Biden fans too!. Get the whole collection!
Mr. Trump as he should be: his action figure in an orange jumpsuit.  Limited quantities.  Order yours today! Latinos are different.  Latinos are distinct.  They are rapidly integrating themselves into society but will not completely & fully assimilate themselves culturally.  Latinos are creating their own space in this country & their particular cultural differences will continue to influence rest of society.  These uniquely Hispanic cultural characteristics are forever changing face of United States.  Latinos are shattering proverbial melting pot.
Truth to Tell HB Your Government Failed You HB Foreclosure of America HB
Truth to Tell HB
Our Price: $25.00
In Stock
Your Government Failed You HB
Our Price: $25.95
In Stock
Foreclosure of America HB
Our Price: $25.95
In Stock
"Lanny Davis has written book that should be required reading for all Washington officials & journalists alike.  It's instructive & cautionary tale of constant struggle to know truth of what is going on at highest levels of government." - Tom Brokaw When business school classes study this collapse in hindsight many years from now, they will certainly pore through reams of rich data, charts & graphs & seek out various flaws in present day business models, looking for what went wrong & what was tipping point.  But no data, no textbook, no chart can ever illustrate human aspects of what causes bubbles & provide firsthand account of thinking - flavor of those moments - from w/n those conference rooms at that point in history.  Excitement, group think, momentum & fear that squelch resistance, systemic power of mighty current pushing fish along, this is inside story of feelings w/n walls of Countrywide during that time, which textbooks will never be able to re create.
Killer Politics HB Heart of Patriot HB All Too Human HB
Killer Politics HB
Our Price: $25.99
In Stock
Heart of Patriot HB
Our Price: $26.00
In Stock
All Too Human HB
Our Price: $27.95
In Stock
According to Ed Schultz, malicious contest for America's soul is not b/w Democrats & Republicans.  That battle's decoy.  Real war's big money vs everyday American: Greatest heist in history's been going on right under our noses - unprecedented transfer of wealth from American middle class into pockets of super wealthy. With this deeply moving account of his extraordinary life, Max Cleland offers painfully honest exploration of personal cost of war & courage that sustained his journey "So this is it.  This is how big guys talk to each other.  I'd been behind my share of closed doors on Capitol Hill, but this was different - more self conscious, almost cinematic, as if everyone was aware of playing part in drama that was being written as they spoke.  This was classic smoke filled room, minus smoke.  I watched & listened & tried to look cool, too dumb struck to say sensible word & half convinced that somebody would look up any minute & say, 'Hey, what are you doing here?' " - from All Too Human
Packing Court HB Ted Kennedy: Scenes from Epic Life HB Spirit Level HB
Packing Court HB
Our Price: $27.95
In Stock
Ted Kennedy: Scenes from Epic Life HB
Our Price: $28.00
In Stock
Spirit Level HB
Our Price: $28.00
In Stock
"Here legendary American scholar has brought us irresistible gift - brilliant, compelling & consistently surprising history of Supreme Court's role in American life.  Like all of Burns' work, Packing Court looks backward & forward, drawing crucial lessons from past that should guide every American leader & citizen today.  This important volume is basic & essential & should be vigorously read & debated by all of us." - Michael R Beschloss "Work goes on, cause endures, hope still lives & dream shall never die." - Senator Edward M Kennedy "Major study of effects of inequality on society.  Research explores US in depth & their work is important contribution to debate our country needs." - from foreword by Robert Reich
While Justice Sleeps, a novel by Stacey Abrams Rogue Justice, a thriller by Stacy Abrams Gentleman from NY HB
While Justice Sleeps
Our Price: $28.00
In Stock
Rogue Justice
Our Price: $29.00
In Stock
Gentleman from NY HB
Our Price: $38.00
In Stock
A young law clerk, an ailing Supreme Court Justice who goes into a coma, and more political and legal twists that only Stacey Abrams could imagine make for an intense legal thriller you won't want to miss. Stacey Abrams, as always, at her very best!
Secrets, politics, extortion, and murder all come together in Stacy Abram's latest novel.  Hold onto your seats while you take a wild ride when reading this tantalizing novel.  It will grip you to the last page. "Consider this book publishing miracle: that one of most important & provocative leaders of our time has good fortune to have as his biographer one of most important & provocative political journalists of our time.  Better than almost anyone, Godfrey Hodgson understands how ideas move politics & so he understands how & why ideas have moved Daniel Patrick Moynihan.  This book is important & it's delight" - EJ Dionne, author of Why Americans Hate Politics
The Amanda Gorman Collection, 3 volumes to collect and treasure.
Amanda Gorman Trio
Our Price: $54.97
Sale Price: $46.72
You save $8.25!
In Stock
Pre-order all three of Amanda Gordon's books: The We Climb, Inaugural Commemorative; Change Sings, a Children's Anthem; and The Hill We Climb and Other Poems. The inaugural commemorative book is due out April 1; the other 2 are due out in September. They will be mailed in two sets.