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Hanukkah Toys, Games, Crafts and More!

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Happy Chanukah Wood Table Decoration with Glitter Accents 101+ Things to Do on Chanukah 18" Stainless Steel Rope Chain
Bright yellow painted wooden dreidels with emoji faces! A Blue's Clues Chanukah All-of-a-Kind Family Hanukkah
A Blue's Clues Chanukah
Our Price: $3.99
Modern-design Aluminum Hanukkah Menorah Animated Menorah Activity Book PB Baby Loves Angular Momentum on Hanukkah!
Aluminum Modern Menorah
Our Price: $34.99
Animated Menorah Activity Book PB
List Price: $5.95
Our Price: $5.95
Sale Price: $3.46
You save $2.49!
Baby's First Chanukah Onesie Ballet Menorah Blinking Hanukah Menorah
Ballet Menorah
Our Price: $50.00
Sale Price: $45.00
You save $5.00!
Blinking Hanukkah Light Decoration
List Price: $7.95
Our Price: $7.95
Sale Price: $7.15
You save $0.80!
Blue and Silver Electric Menorah Blue and Silver Electric Menorah C-H-A-N-U-K-A-H Spells Chanukah Menorah
Blue and Silver Menorah
Our Price: $47.99
Blue and Silver Menorah
Our Price: $47.99
Caleb's Hanukkah PB Camo-Green Candles for a Cause benefit Jewish troops Candle Box Holder
Caleb's Hanukkah PB
Our Price: $6.95
Camo Candles for a Cause
Our Price: $12.49
Candles for a Cause that benefit Autism Chanukah Passover at Bubbe's Chanukah - Board Book
Chanukah - Board Book
Our Price: $4.99
Chanukah Activity Book PB Chanukah Activity Kit Chanukah Fun Candle Finger Puppets
Chanukah Activity Book PB
List Price: $9.95
Our Price: $9.95
Chanukah Activity Kit
Our Price: $8.99
Chanukah Candle Finger Puppets
Our Price: $11.99
Sale Price: $9.59
You save $2.40!
Candles for Hanukah Chanukah Coloring & Activity Book Chanukah Cookie Cutter
Chanukah Candles
Our Price: $3.00
Sale Price: $2.40
You save $0.60!
Chanukah Cookie Cutter
Our Price: $3.49
Chanukah Cookies Puzzle Chanukah Cupcake Decorating Set Chanukah Dominoes
Chanukah Cookies Puzzle
List Price: $11.99
Our Price: $11.99
Chanukah Dominoes
Our Price: $8.99
Chanukah Window Gel Decoration - Dreidel Chanukah Glitter Window Static Cling Hanukah Hearts Card Game
Chanukah Hearts Card Game
List Price: $2.95
Our Price: $2.95
Chanukah Memory Card Game Chanukah Menorah Rubber Stamp Chanukah on Planet Matzah Ball
Chanukah on Planet Matzah Ball (DVD / VHS)
Our Price: $19.99
Sale Price: $1.99
VHS: $15.95
DVD: $18.95
You save $18.00!
Chanukah Ribbons Star Tidbit Tray Menorah Sand Art Kit Chanukah Silicone Draydel Mold, 8 Draydels
Chanukah Sticker Box Chanukah Window Gel Decoration - Menorah Chanukah-for-a-Cause Breast-Cancer-Pink Candles
Chanukah Window Gel Decoration - Menorah
List Price: $3.49
Our Price: $3.49
Chocolate Chip Challah Activity - Book 2: Winter, Spring and Summer Holidays Milk Chocolate Gelt Milk Chocolate Gelt
Chocolate Hanukah Gelt - Milk Chocolate - 1 bag
List Price: $0.75
Our Price: $0.75
Hanukkah Gelt Chocolate Gelt-Pareve Cindy Paley Chanukah Singing Celebration
Chocolate Hanukah Gelt - Pareve - 1 Bag
List Price: $0.75
Our Price: $0.75
Sale Price: $0.59
You save $0.16!
Chocolate Hanukah Gelt - Pareve - Box of 24 bags
List Price: $17.00
Our Price: $17.00
Climb and Slide: A Chanukah Racing Game Color Your Own Chanukah Banner Kit Confused Hanukkah  HB
Confused Hanukkah
List Price: $16.99
Our Price: $16.99
Sale Price: $13.59
You save $3.40!
Crafts for Hanukkah Craig Taubman Celebrate Hanukkah! Chanukah Beeswax Candle Kit with materials for 44 candles
Crafts for Hanukkah
List Price: $6.95
Our Price: $6.95
Sale Price: $5.21
You save $1.74!
Create your own Chanukah Beeswax Candles- 44 Candles
Our Price: $16.99
Sale Price: $13.59
You save $3.40!
Etched Blue Crystal Dreidel  - a lovely gift! Be in style with this handsome Dancing Dreidels Face Mask for Hanukkah! Debbie Friedman - Light These Lights (CD)
Crystal Dreidel Blue
Our Price: $42.00
Dancing Dreidel Face Mask
Our Price: $12.95
Chanukah Banner Craft Create-A-Dreidel Got-the-Blues and White Hanukkah Candles
Our Price: $3.95
Delux Blue and White Hanukkah Candles
Our Price: $8.49
Sale Price: $6.79
You save $1.70!
Deluxe Plush Chanukah Set Design a Dreidel Kit Dinosaur on Hanukah
Deluxe Plush Hanukkah Set
List Price: $23.99
Our Price: $23.99
Design a Dreidel Kit
Our Price: $4.50
Dinosaur on Hanukkah
Our Price: $6.95
Doda Mollie - Chanukah Pajamikah! (CD) Dog Menorah Jewish Dog Plush Dreidel
Dog Menorah
Our Price: $50.00
Sale Price: $45.00
You save $5.00!
Dog Toy - Plush Dreidel
Our Price: $9.49
Menorah Dog Toy Be in style with this handsome Dove and Menorah Face Mask for Hanukkah! Draydel Game Board for a Perfect Game!
Dog Toy - Plush Menorah
Our Price: $10.50
Dove Menorah Face Mask
Our Price: $12.95
Draydel Game Board
Our Price: $3.99
Dreidel Silicone Cupcake Pan Dreidel Keychain Craft Dreidel Necklace Craft
Dreidel Keychain Craft
Our Price: $0.55
Dreidel Necklace - Craft
List Price: $3.59
Our Price: $3.59
Sale Price: $2.39
You save $1.20!
Dreidel Cookie Cutters Dreidel Salt & Pepper Shakers Chanukah Ribbons Dreidel Sand Art Kit
Dreidel Salt & Pepper Shakers
List Price: $11.99
Our Price: $11.99
Sale Price: $9.83
You save $2.16!
Dreidel Sand Art Kit - Dreidle
List Price: $1.95
Our Price: $1.95
Sale Price: $1.59
You save $0.36!
Dreidel Stickers - Jewish Sticker Fun Four Painted Dreidels Eight is Great BB
Eight is Great BB
Our Price: $5.95
Eight Wild Nights: A Family Hanukkah Tale Hanukkah Helper Yellow Jammies Elmo's Little Dreidel  BB
Elfit Jammies - Yellow
Our Price: $17.99
Emanuel and the Hanukkah Rescue Bright yellow hand-painted ceramic menorah that winks and smiles! Engineer Ari and the Hanukkah Mishap (HB)
Esther's Hanukkah Disaster PB Festival of Lights Light Set Fire Truck Hanukkah Menorah
Fire Truck Hanukkah Menorah
Our Price: $52.00
Sale Price: $46.80
You save $5.20!
Flashing Chanukah L.E.D. Pin - Menorah Flickering Flame Shaped Menorah Bulbs - Set of 9 Flower Menorah - Wood Craft
Flashing Chanukah L.E.D. Pin - Menorah
List Price: $4.99
Our Price: $4.99
Flickering Flame Shaped Menorah Bulbs - Set of 9
Our Price: $7.99
Sale Price: $7.29
You save $0.70!
Friendship Hanukkah Menorah Gift of Chanukah Melamine Serving Platter Blue LED Go Menorah, Perfect for home, office or travel
Friendship Hanukkah Menorah
Our Price: $50.00
Sale Price: $45.00
You save $5.00!
Go Menorah Blue
Our Price: $12.00
Sale Price: $9.60
You save $2.40!
Blue LED Go Menorah, Perfect for home, office or travel Hand Dipped Beeswax Chanukah Candles Chanukah Beanie  Balls
Go Menorah Silver
Our Price: $17.99
Sale Price: $14.49
You save $3.50!
Hand-Dipped Beeswax Chanukah Candles
Our Price: $19.99
Sale Price: $15.99
You save $4.00!
Hanukah Beanie Balls
Our Price: $0.99
Sale Price: $0.79
You save $0.20!
Hanukkah Cookie Cutters Hanukah Go Fish Card Game Gift of Chanukah Partyware
Hanukah Rectangular Melamine Serving Tray
List Price: $5.99
Our Price: $5.99
Sale Price: $4.79
You save $1.20!
Hanukah Rubber Stamp Kit Hanukah Velvet Art Hanukkah Book
Hanukah Rubber Stamp Kit
List Price: $4.50
Our Price: $4.50
Hanukah Velvet Art
List Price: $2.95
Our Price: $3.49
Sale Price: $2.51
You save $0.44!
Our Price: $6.95
Hanukkah Around the World  PB The classic Hanukkah Bear story by Eric Kimmel in board book format Hanukkah Cake Pan
Hanukkah Around the World
List Price: $7.95
Our Price: $7.95
Hanukkah Bear BB
Our Price: $7.95
Hanukkah Cake Pan
Our Price: $18.95
Hanukah Card Games Hanukah Cling-ems Hanukkah Coloring Greeting Cards
Hanukkah Card Games - 3 Games in 1
List Price: $14.95
Our Price: $11.95
You save $3.00!
Hanukkah Cling-ems
List Price: $4.95
Our Price: $4.95
Sale Price: $3.09
You save $1.86!
Train Menorah Brings Hanukkah Joy! Hanukah Foam Shapes Brightly colored "curly" gift bags
Hanukkah Foam Shapes
Our Price: $11.49
Hanukkah Gift Bags "Curls"
Our Price: $1.29
Sale Price: $0.97
You save $0.32!
Hanukkah Gift Box Set Dancing Dreidels and Menorahs Hanukkah Kippahs Hanukkah Lantern String of Lights
Hanukkah Gift Box Set
Our Price: $19.95
Hanukkah Kippah
Our Price: $12.95
Hanukkah Lantern Lights
Our Price: $16.99
Sale Price: $13.59
You save $3.40!
Chinese Lanterns with Hanukkah Motif Hanukkah Moon Hanukah Wood Peg Puzzle
Hanukkah Lanterns
Our Price: $14.99
Sale Price: $11.99
You save $3.00!
Hanukkah Moon
Our Price: $7.95
Hanukkah Peg Puzzle
List Price: $8.95
Our Price: $8.95
Hanukkah Cookie Cutters Chanukah Stickers Fun on a Roll Hanukkah Box of Surprises
Hanukkah Surprise Boxes
List Price: $48.95
Our Price: $48.95
Sale Price: $40.14
You save $8.81!
Hanukkah, Oh Hanukkah! BB Hanukkah: Ultimate Sticker Book  PB Happening Hanukkah - Creative Ways to Celebrate
Hanukkah: Ultimate Sticker Book PB
List Price: $6.99
Our Price: $6.99
Sale Price: $5.24
You save $1.75!
Happy Chanukah Bib Hanukkah Wallhanging Happy Chanukah Window Gel Decoration
Happy Chanukah Bib
Our Price: $7.50
Happy Hanukkah, Curious George  BB How Do Dinosaurs Say Happy Chanukah?, a rhyming story by Jane Yolen I Love U a Latke Bib for Baby's Hanukkah
Happy Hanukkah, Curious George
Our Price: $10.99
Sale Price: $8.99
You save $2.00!
I Love U a Latke Bib
Our Price: $6.95
Happy Inflatable Dreidel for Hanukkah fun! Jeremy's Dreidel Colorful Jewish Days n Dates Poster for home or classroom with Hebrew and English
Inflatable Dreidel
Our Price: $10.49
Jeremy's Dreidel (PB)
Our Price: $7.95
Jewish Day / Date Calendar Poster
Our Price: $9.95
Sale Price: $4.99
You save $4.96!
Pockets of Learning Jewish Holiday Book Jewish Holiday Games For Little Hands Jewish Holidays Go Fish Card Game
Jewish Holidays Go Fish Card Game

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Jewish Smile Seed Jodie's Hanukkah Dig Judah the Lion Plush Toy
Jewish Smile Seed
Our Price: $4.99
Jodie's Hanukkah Dig
Our Price: $7.95
Judah the Lion Plush Toy
Our Price: $10.50
Jug of Oil Menorah - Wood Craft Jumping Dreidel Ball Kid's Sport Menorah
Jug of Oil Menorah - Wood Craft
List Price: $5.99
Our Price: $5.99
Sale Price: $3.99
You save $2.00!
Jumping Dreidel Ball
Our Price: $3.49
Kid's Sport Menorah
Our Price: $48.00
Sale Price: $38.40
You save $9.60!
Lamp Menorah - Wood Craft Gift of Chanukah Hanukah Partyware LED Blue Battery-Operated Menorah
Lamp Menorah - Wood Craft
List Price: $6.25
Our Price: $6.25
Sale Price: $4.29
You save $1.96!
Latke Melamine Serving Platter
List Price: $5.99
Our Price: $5.99
Sale Price: $4.79
You save $1.20!
LED Blue Menorah
Our Price: $34.99
Sale Price: $27.79
You save $7.20!
LED Silvertone Metal Menorah in Traditional Shape Let's Celebrate Chanukah Coloring Book Light the Menorah: a Hanukkah Handbook by Jacqueline Jules
LED Silvertone Menorah
Our Price: $64.95
Let's Celebrate Chanukah Coloring Book
List Price: $2.50
Our Price: $2.50
Light the Menorah: a Hanukkah Handbook by Jacqueline Jules Like Maccabee HB Littlest Levine PB
Like Maccabee HB
List Price: $11.95
Our Price: $16.95
Sale Price: $9.80
You save $2.15!
Littlest Levine PB
Our Price: $7.95
Lots of Latkes Maccabee Flying Monkey Maccabee Jamboree
Maccabee Flying Monkey
Our Price: $5.95
Maccabee Meals:  Food and Fun for Hanukkah Maccabee! The Story of Hanukkah (PB) Maccabees Board Game
Maccabee Meals Cookbook for Kids
List Price: $8.95
Our Price: $8.95
Maccabees Game
Our Price: $24.99
Etched Mah Jongg Crystal Dreidel  - a lovely gift for the mah jongg lover! Menorah Cut-Out - Wood Craft Menorah Under Sea PB
Mah Jongg Crystal Dreidel
Our Price: $42.00
Menorah Under Sea PB
Our Price: $7.95
Metallic Silver and Blue Hanukkah Candles - 5 inches tall! Metallic Silver Hanukkah Candles - 5 inches tall! Pink Wooden Miracle Dreidel
Metallic Silver and Blue Hanukkah Candles
Our Price: $12.00
Sale Price: $9.60
You save $2.40!
Miracle Dreidel
Our Price: $3.49
Chanukah Activity and Coloring Book My First Chanukah! Bib My First Jewish Holidays
My First Chanukah! Bib
Our Price: $7.50
Hanukkah Cookies My Hanukkah Book/Questions, Answers, Activities PB Chanukah Coloring Book
My Hanukah Cookies
Our Price: $1.59
My Hanukkah Book/Questions, Answers, Activities PB
List Price: $3.95
Our Price: $3.95
Sale Price: $2.96
You save $0.99!
My Happy Chanukah - Coloring Book
List Price: $2.50
Our Price: $2.50
Plush Chanukah Set Nathan Blows Out the Hanukkah Candles (PB) Noah's Ark Ceramic Menorah
My Soft Menorah
Our Price: $19.99
Noah's Ark Ceramic Menorah
List Price: $14.95
Our Price: $14.95
Sale Price: $13.49
You save $1.46!
Noah's Ark Menorah Paint Your Own Hanukkah Suncatcher Kit Paint Your Own Dreidel
Noah's Ark Menorah
List Price: $59.99
Our Price: $59.99
Paint Your Own Dreidel
Our Price: $1.30
Paint Your Own Happy Dreidel Menorah Kit Paul Zim - Chanukah is Tops! Paul Zim - Chanukah Party
Paul Zim - The Magic of Chanukah Musical Plush Dreidel Railroad Hanukkah Menorah
Plush Dreidel
Our Price: $9.95
Railroad Hanukkah Menorah
Our Price: $50.00
Sale Price: $45.00
You save $5.00!
Rainbow Whirly Tops Red Dreidel Blue Dreidel, a Color-Match Lotto Game Refillable Plastic Dreidel
Rainbow Whirly Tops
Our Price: $1.50
LED Silvertone Metal Menorah Rugrats Chanukah Sadie's Almost Marvelous Menorah PB
Our Price: $64.99
Rugrats Chanukah (VHS)
List Price: $15.99
Our Price: $15.95
Sale Price: $0.01
You save $15.98!
Sammy Spider's Hanukkah Colors  Board Book Shalom Sesame - Chanukah: The Missing Menorah (DVD) Shalom Sesame DVD
Sammy Spider's Hanukkah Colors BB
Our Price: $5.99
Sale Price: $5.40
You save $0.59!
Shira Kline - Shirlala Chanukah Shirettes - Cha Cha Chanukah Silvertone Electric Menorah
Silvertone Electric Menorah
List Price: $42.99
Our Price: $42.99
Sale Price: $38.69
You save $4.30!
Simple Menorah - Wood Craft Small Blue Jewish Dog Collar Small Natural Wooden Dreidels
Simple Menorah - Wood Craft
List Price: $3.99
Our Price: $3.99
Sale Price: $2.99
You save $1.00!
Small Dog Collar, Blue
Our Price: $11.95
Sale Price: $9.45
You save $2.50!
Small Painted Wood Chanukah Draydel, Assorted Colors Small Plastic Dreidels Be in style with this handsome Sparkling Snowflakes Face Mask for Hanukkah!
Snowflakes Face Mask
Our Price: $10.95
Sports Menorah Star Garland Window Decoration Star Laser Disks
Sports Hanukkah Menorah
Our Price: $38.99
Sale Price: $34.19
You save $4.80!
Star Laser Disks
Our Price: $0.60
Sterling Silver Elegant Mezuzah Pendant Sterling Silver Filligree Star Pendant Text Message Dreidels
Text Message Dreidels
Our Price: $7.99
The Count's Hanukkah Countdown The Draydel Game- 5 Painted Wood Draydels- Assorted Designs Chanukah Go Fish
The Musical Dreidel The Story of Chanukah Coloring Book Thin Hamsa & Star Charm Bracelet - Amy
The Musical Dreidel
Our Price: $4.49
Thin Hamsa & Star Charm Bracelet - Amy
List Price: $40.00
Our Price: $40.00
Thin Hamsa & Star Charm Bracelet - Black Thin Hamsa & Star Charm Bracelet - Blues Thin Hamsa & Star Charm Bracelet - Multi
Thin Hamsa & Star Charm Bracelet - Black
List Price: $40.00
Our Price: $40.00
Thin Hamsa & Star Charm Bracelet - Multi
List Price: $40.00
Our Price: $40.00
Thin Jewish Star Charm Bracelet - Multi Traffic Menorah - Wood Craft Where is Baby's Dreidel?
Traffic Menorah - Wood Craft
List Price: $7.95
Our Price: $7.95
Wooden Painted Dreidel Ziz And the Hanukkah Miracle (PB)